What Indian Techies Fake in Resumes?

Bangalore: Are you confused to draft your resume? Well, you might have read many articles on the biggest mistakes to avoid while writing your resume, the important things to mention in your resume and so on. Yeah, as you heard it may take just 15 seconds for your hiring manager to analyze your resume. It is hard to guess whether your CV will survive. But the question lies here, have you lied on your resume? Nowadays, fudging CVs is seen globally and then what about the scenario in India?

‘Background Screening Trends of India’, one of the studies conducted in April to June 2011 by First Advantage, a global risk mitigation firm said 96 of 1000 background screenings done in India were found to have fake information or exaggerated information. Well, it is well-known secret that most of you have faked your resumes and it is one of the biggest challenges corporate world faces. Though, some are well placed with their faking details, the trend cannot be encouraged as someday it can land you in a soup.  So, it is sensible for you to not push your fate. Today, most of the employers have started to perform heavy cross checking through references for screening out fake CVs. You might not be caught the first time, but you should keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will be safe every time.

Will your fudged resume cost you a job or drop your job? Do you want to live in the fear of your faked resume? What Indian techies are most likely to fake in Resume? Showing better compensation in the previous work, extended dates of past employment and even fake jobs to cover gaps in employment history are some major falsifications found in resumes. Mentioning better job titles and responsibilities managed, excluding previous jobs to mask bad employment history and falsifying explanations of leaving earlier jobs are another bunch of lies in CVs. There are many other areas of where you tempted to fudge in resumes, the major areas where you should not fake in your resume but unfortunately most of the techies lie about are:  


For a better remuneration from their prospective employer most of the job seekers tempted to fake their compensation and bonus packages. Even though the salary figures should be highly confidential, your hiring manager can still find some ways to cross check the numbers with your past HR personnel. The highest rated pay package depends on your job profile and the company you work for. You cannot fool your prospective employer in a larger extent. When you fake the details, better to keep in mind that your resume will be thoroughly screened after selection. If any information turns out to be inflated, employment will be invalidated.