15 Seconds that Can Define Your Destiny

Bangalore: The first step towards your career destiny will be preparing your resume. Your resume can land a job interview, if you send a well-prepared and impressive one. You might be confident to attend an interview, but landing a job interview is much difficult in today’s competitive world. First screening of your capability will be already started when they analyze your resume, and it may hardly take 15 seconds for them to decide. Your recruiter may have thousands of resumes in hand to find out the right candidate. He/she probably analyzes you from the given resume. And if it is not impressive, you may lose an opportunity to land a job interview. 

You may not be aware of how your resume screened, as for some companies they have human resume screeners, or automated resume screeners or phone screeners. Resume screeners will be the first lines of periphery to get through your first interview.  And for the entire job industry, it is an important and the foremost step towards your career focus. Among the hundreds of daily applicants, your resume gets hardly 8 to 15 seconds to be evaluated. Within those 15 seconds, the hiring manager will take all critical decisions to consider which candidates can be asked for interview. While you prepare your resume, consider these points which will help you to break through resume screening for landing a job interview.