What Indian Techies Fake in Resumes?

Academic Qualifications and Trained Skills:

One of another major falsifying detail is about education and skills. It is one of the major disasters which Indian colleges and universities still create. Lack of centralized databases helps many of the job applicants to fake their education details.  Fabricating degrees or manipulating certificates are few of the cheapest tricks Indians follow to get hired. Covering up the failures in academy education is another faked details most of the job applicants tend to submit. But, today the possibilities gets minimum as the corporate world recognizes the possibilities of faked education documents can be made so easily, most of the jobs demand skill based tests for indisputably select the candidate. Do you think you can stand firm with faked educational details?

Job profiles:

Are you not aware of even your minute job details will be scanned? Yeah, you should mind the very details you submit in your job profile. Even the faked tasks and responsibilities you mentioned in resume can harm your profession. According to the researches done, most of the associate level individuals are faking their resumes in a large extent. Your job tasks and responsibilities might not be cross checked in junior level positions; it will be getting more prioritized when you reach a senior level position. Though you are not caught, your employer will tag you among those who can be easily inclined to get something done in a dishonest way.