Do Techies Need an M.B.A?

Bangalore: We generally think that an MBA degree is a must to climb the corporate ladder in order to reach the zenith of success. Although it’s quite a debate oriented topic, that whether techies actually need an MBA or not to be successful in their career, few critics according to Investopedia, says that the Masters of Business Administration Course can be held responsible of many of the sins that it has committed which includes teaching the incorrect financial models, not addressing business risk, sidestepping business principles, hiding from the real world and caging students in the university. This can be very well proved with the example of Jeff Skilling who was an MBA and was responsible for the firm named Enron's financial collapse. On the other hand top former CEO’s like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Apple’s Steve Jobs who were college dropouts were quite successful in their respective careers. 

Few techies enroll for MBA courses in order to earn great salary packages but this should not be the driving factor for a techie to enroll for management courses, as he or she should have the talent for business and should have the passion to break out of the technical, R&D, Development world. Techies should be aware of the changing global trends, based on that should take a decision on whether to opt for a MBA course or not.