Why Bad Leaders Become CEOs?

Bangalore: Either every good leaders or every bad leaders are not becoming CEOs. But, undoubtedly there are some bad leaders become CEOs. Have you thought of why it is happening since no one likes to work under a bad leader? We have already gone through a series of articles which are giving further insights on best managerial skills. If you have a guilty of being a bad boss, probably you have read more articles of the same. Majority of the ‘Big Bosses’ might be labeled in the ‘bad boss’ category, in fact.

Do you know why there are not much good leaders at the post of highest ranking corporate officer? Good leaders are often claimed to avoid the risk of failing. Also they do not want to be involved in all dramas happening there. The headaches, the added responsibilities are other factors which turns most of the leaders not to take the role of CEOs. The only one trait which has seen among all CEOs is they want the job.