4 Signs That Can Get You Fired

Bangalore: As the very famous saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”, based on that it is very important for employees to recognize the warning signs that indicate that he or she is most likely to get fired. One should definitely keep in mind that today the job market is quite uncertain where anyone can get laid off or fired by the employer for any reason. Whatever reason the employer might give for your dismissal from the job you should always try to take in control of the situation by searching for a new job in advance. According to Alison Green of U.S. News and World Report listed below are the signs that indicate you may get fired, highlighted on the Come Recommended website.

1. Manager’s disinterest in your problems: Remember that a manager who would like to keep his best staff on board will surely put all efforts to solve his or her problems. Likewise, you should understand the nature of your boss while asking for a help from him, that you may need from him for completing a project or an assignment where you are facing problems. If he put forward his helping hand to you that is a good sign for you as it indicates that he wants to keep you onboard.  If he is showing lack of interest in your problems that means he has no problems in letting you go.

2. Boss is harassing You: If there is a situation in your workplace where you feel that you are constantly being hassled by your boss for your work, it indicates that your boss has some serious problems with your work. In such a situation you have to keep in mind that your job is in danger as no employer would like to work with an employee who does not bring good work.