Top 10 Nations with the Biggest Labour Force


Indonesia, the fourth most populous nation, occupies the next position on our list. With a labour force that is roughly around 11.80 crore, the nation that comprises of approximately 17,508 islands, is slotted at the fourth position.

The service sector of Indonesia houses majority of the workforce in the country, followed by agricultural and industrial sectors. 


Brazil, the sixth largest economy of the world with regards to nominal GDP, is positioned at the fifth slot on the list of countries with the biggest labour force in the world. The country that has been at the forefront of Latin American revelation houses a labour force that is in the range of 10.71 crore. The owner of a state-of-the-art technology sector and the only nation in the Southern Hemisphere to put together a team responsible for building of the ISS (International Space Station) exports products such as electric equipment, textiles, automobiles, steel and so on.  

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