Hiring Outlook Weakens In India; Strengthens In The U.S.

Bangalore: The U.S. hiring outlook is showing positive signs and majority of the employers in the country are planning to increase their workforce more than any other quarter, post recession, said a survey conducted by the global employment service giant, Manpower Group, as reported by Reuters.   

As per the survey, all is not gloomy in an economy where majority of the employers from around the globe are uncertain about hiring activities in the next quarter (from July to September), mainly due to the vague consumer demand. There are a few bright spots, like the U.S. and some developed economies in the European continent where the employers are cautiously optimistic about the hiring trends.

"If you look at it from a global perspective, the overall feeling is that there are definitely challenges," said Jeff Joerres, CEO, Manpower, as reported by Reuters.

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