Hiring Outlook Weakens In India; Strengthens In The U.S.

He added that the employers are more optimistic about the global economic prospects than ever.

The survey also revealed that the hiring intentions have strengthened in 17 economies, which includes the likes of the U.S., Spain and Greece, compared to the previous quarter. Employment outlook in 4 nations have remained unchanged, while the hiring intent have drastically weakened in 21 countries such as India, China and France.

As per the Labor Department, U.S. has added 175,000 jobs last month compared to 149,000 in April and the unemployment rate has increased to tenth of a point to 7.6 percent.

The net employment outlook of the U.S. increased by one point from the previous quarter to a seasonal adjusted plus-12, said the survey.

Though none of the members of the India Inc surveyed by Manpower reported any intention to cut down on their workforce, the hiring expectation is projected to be around plus- 18, which is down by 6 points compared to the previous quarter and 28 points from an early year.

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