Learn the Trick of Dealing with 13 Kinds of Bosses

Bangalore: Workplaces are not created equal all over the world. Some are a fun place to be associated with; others are not so exciting; while a few are downright awkward. And often the differentiating factor here is actually the type of boss.

Since your boss can make or break the fortunes of your career, identification of his type and molding your work accordingly can be of great help in your pursuit for happiness.

Here is a brief overview of the type of bosses and how to work with them, as listed by Heather R. Huhman of Come Recommended on Business Insider.

1. The Workaholic

Work-life balance is not a proverbial concept with respect to these kinds of bosses. Work is the top most priority for these types of bosses and they are prepared to invest all time and energy for the welfare of the company. You will find your boss working throughout the day, without any break.

Just because your workaholic boss doesn’t leave the office, it doesn’t mean that you have to do the same. Carry out the assigned task with utmost dedication and devotion, and your workaholic boss will never be a problem.