Learn the Trick of Dealing with 13 Kinds of Bosses

2. The Traditionalist

These kinds of bosses tend to be glued to a firm for a very long time and are not open to changes. They tend to be rigid in terms of their policies and like to carryout things the way they have always done them.

If you are working for such a kind of boss, never be hostile to the old methods. You never know, their method might actually bear fruit for you.

3. The Power Hungry

These kinds of bosses crave for power. They value the management position more than the actual job itself. They believe that their title has given them the supreme power to rule the workplace.

If you ever encounter such kind of boss, carry out the task that is asked from you, and most of all, do the things that you believe is right. Never comply with inappropriate request just because your boss asked you to do so.

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