Learn the Trick of Dealing with 13 Kinds of Bosses

 4. The Yeller

Does your boss regularly shout at you and demands you follow his directions? If so, just make sure that you follow his instructions and never take the yelling personally. He does so just because, he believes yelling is necessary to make the employees obey his orders. Just carry out the tasks to the best of your abilities and you will be fine.

5. The Scary

The scary type is arguably the worst on the list. These types of bosses are ready to go to any level to get the job done. They will be prepared to shout, threaten or intimidate the employees in order to accomplish their objective. Though the probability of survival for these kinds of managers is very minimal, as they are prone to be red flagged by complaints or mass attrition among the workforce, there is no guarantee that things will change.

If you ever encounter such kind of a boss, be valiant enough to confront him in a constructive way. And if you are truly intimidated, it is better to opt for a job change.

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