Learn the Trick of Dealing with 13 Kinds of Bosses

6. The Nitpicker

These types of bosses are the most irritating in the list. They tend to find mistakes in whatever you do and generally opt to make changes to your work just because they can.

You have to choose your battles to deal with this kind of a boss. Though the probability of your victory in the battle is very minimal, never take it granted. Develop your case and argue with your boss, while making sure that he still feels that he is in control. Reaching a middle ground is the key when it comes to dealing with a nitpicker.

7. The Micromanager

These types of bosses are perfectionists and tend to get involved in everything you do. They are even worse than a nitpicker because they tend to oversee and try to develop a complete authority over your work, rather than a piece of it. 

If your work for such kind of a boss, it is beneficial for you not to take their over-dominance personally or let them take away your confidence and motivation. Rather, accept the reality and do the best you can.

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