Mega Resume Blunders to Avoid At All Cost

Bangalore: It is deceptively easy to make blunders on your resume, but it is extremely difficult to fix the dent once it reaches the employer. Hence prevention is the key, whether a job seeker is writing his/her first resume, or altering it for a mid-career job change.

Here is a rundown of some of the mega resume blunders to avoid at all cost, as reported by various sources.

Typos, Misspelling and Grammatical Errors

Hiring managers and recruiters have a low threshold for resume bloopers. Nearly, four out of the five recruiters will toss a resume into the dustbin if they spot any imperfections.

Never rely on your computer’s spell check function, pay attention to details and proofread the resume carefully. And if possible have someone else to review it too. This is because even though you are good word person, it is easy to miss typos, misspelling and grammatical errors since you know what you intended to write.

Lying About your Experience

Boosting your candidature with a little fiction might help you land a job. But in this age of information technology, you are almost certain to be caught and get fired sometime down the road. This could have a negative impact on your credibility and haunt you for the rest of your life.

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