Mega Resume Blunders to Avoid At All Cost

Exaggeration of Responsibilities

A section of job aspirants tend to lie or provide exaggerated information about the responsibilities of the position held by them in the previous jobs and land in trouble either during reference checking or during interview questioning.     

Hence, it is better to be honest and only provide information regarding the actual responsibilities carried out.

Your Focus Is Wrong

This is the most difficult concept to grasp. Do bear in mind that your resume is not something you create for yourself. You create it, format it, and organize it so that others, especially the hiring managers or the recruiters could easily gauge you as a person and your candidature for the job.

No hiring manager or recruiter is going to thoroughly study your resume for specifics because of lack of time, hence it is better to highlight the essentials and make them look obvious.

Carrying an Obsolete or Generic Resume

Update the resume every now and then, and make sure that you mold your resume as per the skills required for the open position. And most of all, avoid carrying a generic resume for every interview as it greatly reduces your chances of making the cut by manifolds.

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