8 Jobs That Will Never Die

Bangalore: Take five employees in an Indian company; chances are by the end of the year, only 3 or sometimes only 2 will be on the same job.

In the present day’s job market, the average working tenure of an Indian worker with an employer is below 5 years. This is a far cry away from the decades of tenure that used to be quite common in the previous century and is an indicator of a regrettable reality that jobs don’t last like they used to.

Though in the current situation, it is almost impossible to be associated with the same employer for a very long time, it is still possible to stay with one profession for a long haul. Irrespective of the economy, changes in the job market and advancements in technology, there are a few jobs that will never go away and are immune to market forces.  

Take a look the jobs that you can do forever, as listed by Daniel Bukszpan of CNBC.