Most Sought After Personality Traits and Types by Employers

#3. Confidence:

Confidence comes from the possession of the right kind of skills and the clarity of thoughts or goals to be achieved. This personality trait is the pivot on which the entire analytical and creative abilities of the mind rests on.  

This critical personality trait is highly infectious; the very presence of a confident individual tends to influence the air around them. Everything falls into place for a confident individual. The world follows the man who walks with sure, confident steps and commands respect.

#4. Self Monitoring Skills:

Self-monitoring skill is a highly sought-after personality trait. It is the ability to track an individual’s own behavior. This personality trait essentially is a self-management procedure wherein, an individual systematically observes his or her own behavior and then traces the occurrence or non-occurrence of a target action.

An individual with proficient self-monitoring skills is in a good position to control his / her own self. Though this personality trait does not automatically change the behavior of an individual, it is a prerequisite for self-initiated change.