Most Sought After Personality Traits and Types by Employers

Personality Traits-

#1. Professionalism:

Professionalism is the most desired personality trait that employers are looking for in a job applicant. This personality trait encompasses an individual’s behavior, work ethics and appearance. Candidates with high standards of professionalism are often perceived as being more reliable and credible than others. Professionalism demonstrates that an individual cares about what he /she is doing, as well as shows that he / she takes pride and believe in what they are doing.     

#2. High-Energy & Enthusiasm:

High-energy and enthusiasm are important traits for any employee. These personality traits acts as performance boosters and drives the employees to achieve success. High-energy and enthusiasm helps employees to put up with issues such as fatigue, depression or cognitive impairments, and drives them to stay focused and persist with the task at hand. In addition, these personality traits help employees to produce better result, combat tiredness, as well as keep colleagues competitive and create a healthy working environment. Hence most employers are opting individuals who are high on energy and enthusiasm.