11 Traits That Will Get You Promoted

Bangalore: New Year brings in new opportunities for employees to make a career transition into a new department, job in your current area, or job in a new company.

Do you ever wonder why some individuals get promoted, while others are overlooked? You might be shocked to know that while being tagged as a hard working and dedicated individual are important attributes for a lucrative career, they will not guarantee a promotion.

More: Top 10 Sectors That Created the Highest Jobs in 2012

Do bear in mind that employers are not rewarding strong performers for their past contribution; they are actually investing in the employee’s future contribution. To get promoted, an individual has to offer the best prospects out of the available lot. 

If you aspire to make a move in your existing company, here are few things you can plan to do, as reported by Glenn Llopis of Forbes and other sources.

More: Top 10 Hottest Careers in India for 2013