Most Sought After Personality Traits and Types by Employers

#5. Intellectual Curiosity:

The demonstration of intellectual curiosity during a job interview is quite essential for landing a lucrative job. This personality trait encompasses problem solve skills, and the ongoing dedication to learn new things, such as new technologies or solutions to streamline progress in the evolving workplace. Not being satisfied with current rank or position, and showing passion for unrelenting professional growth is bound to elevate a job applicant as a highly attractive candidate to a potential employer.   

Personality Types-

#1. Multi-Tasker:

Multi-taskers are one of the most desirable personality types in the eyes of an employer. In the present day’s work environment, where time is money, ability to carry out multiple tasks at the same time differentiates the brightest from the dumbest, leaders from the slobs, and the energetic for the lethargic. Do bear in mind that an individual who is willing to come out of his / her zone to help others and eager to do whatever it takes accomplish the task is bound to be rewarded by the employers.