Most Sought After Personality Traits and Types by Employers

#2. Visionary:

Currently, there is a huge demand for visionaries among employers. Visionaries are those people who dream big and think ahead, as well as work with imagination, insight and boldness. These individuals possess a challenging mindset that calls forth the best among themselves.

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#3. Strategist:

Ability to develop and outline strategies as per the requirement or the situation is an essential trait that employers generally look for. An individual who have the ability to identify and device long term goals as well as create strategies to reach the objective is a must for any organization.

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#4. Decider:

Employers are on a constant look out for individuals who can make their own decisions. As per Selewach, since employers aren’t always going to be available to make every critical decision, it is up to the employees to take necessary calls and pull the trigger most of the times. Hence, individuals who possess this personality type are bound to get the nod ahead of others, when it comes to employment or promotions.