How to Pitch for a Pay Rise

Review your job description:

Every job changes over time as it works towards progress. When you get an interview call, you would be informed about the job profile you are called for. It is better for you to list out your extra-works outside your job description.  Find out the real case which of your extra works valued. Rank your additional works in a way which can give you good result. Make a draft of your accomplishments in which you address about your each task and its link to revenue or a new business or cost savings or product quality.  Also you need to pay attention to what you have worked on... the tough projects, the challenging issues you have solved... Analyze the growth of your company since you have joined. To be more diplomatic, you should be one step ahead. Consider what you can offer to the company in future. Consider your future value in the company and decide what level of pay rise you are looking for.

Negotiate from a power position:

If you are hard to replace in your position or if you have a vital role in your projects, it is the right time for a negotiation. And when you approach, make sure you have documented the work you have done than just expecting your boss knows what you have done. Also you must be aware of pay rises are just like any other business decisions. Rather than being bigheaded, it is better to be polite, confident and optimistic in your attitude. Getting an idea of salary trend for your role will also help you to make a good negotiation.