Watch Out! Ten Interview Questions Designed To Trick You

Watch Out! Ten Interview Questions Designed To Trick You

Bangalore: Today’s job market seems very tough for both hiring managers and applicants with more talents and with more job openings. Among the thousands of candidate profiles, filtering the right candidates are much hard-hitting jobs. For candidates, they need to compete with other thousands of job profiles and also they need to put themselves for finding out right job and right employer. Considering the long-term unemployed or the ones who need a change in career, it is hard to get an interview call.

With an over excitement, most of you may not be aware of the trickiest part of interviews. When you prepare for an interview, you should know how they can staple you with their questions. Hiring managers will be tired off taking interviews over interviews; he probably uses some trickiest interview tools for managing his time for interviewing the number of applicants on wait.  

Jenna Goudreau, one of the Forbes’ staff points out the 10 most common questions designed to trick you by Joyce Lain Kennedy, columnist for ‘Job interviews’ at Dummies. To do your best in interviews, you must be skilled to answer unexpected and tricky interview questions which have hidden agendas or puzzles.

1. Why have you been out of work so long, and how many others were laid off?

It is a matter for your hiring manager to know whether you are fired for the part of budget cuts or for any wrong-doings you committed. Most of the interviewers find this question as more tricky to know facts without putting a direct question. According to Kennedy, it is better not to reveal the reason but also you have to tell them you were working better than their pay package.