Blogs That Makes You a Better Manager

Blogs That Makes You a Better Manager

Bangalore: Reaching a top managerial position is a challenging job as you have to compete with your own potentials. Most of the managers could not bring their level up seeing that they are struck at the position. After hitting the highest target, many of them are fading their career in the goal post. Do you think you can go static, once you have topped at ranking for many years after accomplishing a high competitive level than your opponent. It is possible for you to maintain your top level, when your competitors are far behind you even if you strike at the same turn out. Have you thought of your career met a dead-end in the managerial position? Here, you can listen to what business consultants say how to make better out of better. The blog, introduces some best blogs which gives ‘better glimpse of better management’. Check these 10 blogs which can suggest how to make you a better manager.

1. Better Managers Blog

The blog tags itself as ‘We make good managers better’. It also contributes advices from industry experts who can guide you and support for best managerial practices. Its better manager’s 6-part series is one of the best for managers and even for business management students to learn the basic concepts and tactics of management.

2.Chief Happiness Officer

It may be best opportunity for you to learn from the author of best-selling book, ‘Happy hour is 9 to 5’ as he, Alexander Kjerulf writes articles which helps you to be happy at work place whatever happens. Articles like ‘Top 5 reasons to celebrate mistakes at work’ and ‘Top 5 business maxims that need to go’ are always top hit topics which make the blog a hit.

3.Super Successful Manager

This blog articles will guide you to do things within the framework of management.  And most of the articles are dealing all about how to deal with your work, workplace and subordinates. The blog tags tell you if you practice all these tips you can become a super successful manager.

4. MoreSteam Blog

Yeah, it will be definitely ‘an engine room of continuous improvement’. Along with improving your managerial skills, you can take a step to improve your team, the blog says. The best managers are always pointed as they could bring progress among the talents, they manage. The blog can aid you to advance your process improvement performance.

5. Great Leadership

Being leadership skill is inevitable for managers, this blog completely dedicated for the opinions and information on leadership and leadership development. Dan McCarthy, the Director of Executive Development Programs (EDP) at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics run the blog and contributes articles with his great insights on the topics.