Blogs That Makes You a Better Manager

Blogs That Makes You a Better Manager

6. Never mind the manager

Though, the title of the blog says ‘never mind the manager’, it can broadly address the content how to be a better manager as the article demands to become great than being good. The ‘manager’ position cannot weigh you unless you cannot do great in your work.

7. The enlightened manager blog

The owner of the organizational development consulting firm, Emergence Consulting, Cheri Baker writes in her blog about how to become smart in management. Her articles deal with the importance of basic management principles and how to be excellent in management skills.

8. Management Excellence

If you want to read more about leadership, management and professional development, Art Petty’s blog will be a great resource. The Founder and Principal at Strategy & Management-Innovations, LLC, Art Petty also plays a role of management consultant. Being leadership skills strengthening, professional development, critical thinking and decision making are the primary concerns of a manager, the blog shares more concepts on its.

9. Manage Better Now

The author of the blog tells that everyone holds the role of a manager at least by managing themselves. Everyone should know how to manage our daily tasks and how to build good relationship with people around us. Yeah, ‘Manage Better Now’ gives more realistic view of management skills.

10. The Marketing Eggspert

The owner of the internet marketing and communication firm, ‘Egg Marketing and Communications’, Susan Payton aims her management blog for guiding entrepreneurs to find marketing tricks. The articles aid you to use the marketing tools like marketing consultation, blog and article writing, press release campaigns, email marketing, social media campaigns, web and marketing copy as the part of managing your firm.