How to Pitch for a Pay Rise

Bangalore: Are you a potential employee? Haven’t you received a pay rise even after completing one long year?  If yes, keep in mind that, your years of work experience cannot take in account unless you have the potential. Salary increase depends on a range of issues including your performance, your team’s as well as your company’s performance. Even if you deserve a pay rise, it depends on the profits your company creates.  You need not feel snubbed, if your employer doesn’t have money to share with you. 

Pay rise is to be addressed in its proper context. Many of you fail to convince that you deserve a pay rise. Pay rise is not a matter to discuss over a coffee. As any other things, it should be asked in a right time to right person. You should not be afraid to approach for a raise if you have been doing an excellent job. Be prepared before approaching your employer for a pay rise. Listed are the steps which you need to follow before asking a salary hike.

Recognize your chances:

Before just throwing your ball, you should know the ground where you are. In most industries, it is very tough to get a pay rise unless you have leverage. Have you got any other job offer? If then, it can be a good chance for a negotiation with your current employer. Are you working hard to beat targets which have not mentioned in your job description? If you are one of that employee who works consistently, effectively and regularly beyond your targeted goals, you probably need not worry about asking for the raise. But it is sensible to be realistic as if your company meets a recession time it will not work out. Knowing your company salary policies like, who can make the decision, on what basis your company offers a salary hike will help you understand the right time to ask for a salary raise.