How Can You Be A Thought Leader in The Workplace?

Bangalore: The strong chain of decision making, powerful vision and passion, team building skills, and of course your personality paves your way to become a great leader. A great leader should be a thought leader in characteristics. But, how do you distinguish a thought leader?

Thought leaders are said to be people who are acknowledged among their peers for pioneering ideas; who boldly endorse those ideas, and who earn respect from the outside world for their deep understanding of their business, the needs of their clients, and the broader marketplace in which they work. Either it David Ogilvy or Steve Jobs, they led their world with unique ideas. Why there are not many great leaders, I meant thought leaders? Yeah, it cannot be so easily achieved. Being a thought leader in your workplace will be a challenge as your communications and reputation limited at office.

In one of her article in, Heather R. Huhman, a career expert suggests ‘three tips to become recognized as a thought leader in your workplace’.