The 3H's in Success Line

The 3H's in Success Line

Bangalore: If you have the dream, resolution and wish to reach out your goals, you will get it. But on the way to success, you must hold three traits of victory- the 3H’s- the 3H’s of success. Even the 3B’s- beauty, brain and bucks cannot lead you to success unless if you don’t have the 3H’s. In one of the series of article about reaching your goals, Krantcents tells ‘what are the 3H’s you must hold and why?’ The article says, the 3H’s are ‘Head’, ‘Hardworking’ and ‘Habit’.

Getting your head in the game is important to achieve your goals. Success demands more visualization and more perspectives where you need to improve your self-image through positive thinking. If your head got into visualizing success, you will be transforming the past experience of failures to achieving personal goals.  Do you know why head is important in your success? Yeah, the impact of what you think reflects on your activities. Your success depends on what you think about yourself whether as a winner or a loser. Success is all about your attitude on every situation. If you are able to expect success, you will succeed. Either you count it as attitude or visualization or will or perception, your ‘head’ influences the way you approach your goals.

Have you thought of how your habits impact on your success? Nurturing a good habit and giving up a bad habit is not easier as giving speeches about it. Success depends on what you perceive from experiences, it is not a onetime occurrence in life. To learn how to develop good habits, you must learn from great musicians. Musicians are said to have a strong will in nurturing good habits. Learning a new skill doesn’t mean you have mastered it. You have to practice on it as the musicians do. Most of the musicians are practicing to improve their work in their entire life. The fame as a great musician is never stopping them to practice their skill. To attain your goals, you have to consciously practice your skills until it becomes an involuntary behavior pattern.

Are you working hard or hardly working? According to Forbes survey, 70 percent of people hate the job they do? When you hate to love your job, you can neither enjoy your work nor work hard to achieve it. No one can work hard at something what they hate. Your hard work is just proportional to how much you love your work. It also defines how much you enjoy your work. Do you think without putting much effort you can attain your goals? It is sensible that hard work defines ones’ success.