Working Hard or Hardly Working? Blame It on Internet

Working Hard or Hardly Working? Blame It on Internet

Bangalore: Witnessing so many job losses for past four years, it is predictable today’s workforce has limited time to waste with added job responsibilities. But, one of the new study by found when it comes to social networking, most of the employees agree they used to check status update during working hours.  The question is prevalent, ‘whether you are working hard or hardly working?’ It won’t be a surprise while the survey points out 21 percent of employees confess they spend 5 hours of their working hours in a week just for personal activities.

The survey was conducted among 3,200 employees, 64 percent admit they visit websites unrelated to work. Even though, with so many jobs lost in the last years, employees are still seemed like loafers. Have you lost interest in doing your work? 35 percent disclose they are not challenged by the work they are doing, whereas another 32 percent say they waste time because the company doesn’t offer any perks even for the highly appreciated work. 23 percent respondents say they are just bored. Around 34 percent reportedly said long working hours is one of the other reasons to spend time on personal activities during work hours.