Most Common Mistakes Indians do At Work

Bangalore: In a workplace you end up in committing some or the other mistakes every time. If it is your first job you do commit mistakes and at the same time if you are a career enthusiast you do make sure you learn from your mistakes. If you fail to learn from your mistakes, it may lead you to a wrong way in your career path.

Piyush Bhatia, the Corporate Communication trainer as well as the Founder and CEO of BM English speaking, has listed out the 10 common mistakes that the Indians do at the workplace and he also gives you the solutions to avoid those mistakes as reported in the

1. No proper eye-contact:

Having a proper eye contact is very much necessary whenever you are interacting with someone. It is needed because it is shows your confidence level. Piyush says that, a proper eye contact with the listener allows the speaker to understand the mind of the listener and it also helps you to build a personal rapport with that person. So, if you feel shy to talk to others try practicing in front of the mirror and practice how to make your eye-contact perfect while communicating.