Most Common Mistakes Indians do At Work

2. Talking to others in a low voice:

If you want yourself to get recognized, firstly make your voice perfect. Whenever you talk to others, talk in a louder and clear voice as it shows your confidence level and also your listener doesn’t have to put more stress to hear what you say. It is a must to speak up loudly because low voice is a sign of poor confidence. So, practice to read loudly whatever you are reading as it improves clarity in your speech. And once you get the track of it, you will surely learn to do it naturally while speaking.

3. Not paying attention to what others say:

If you are a senior in your workplace and been made in charge for handling a team, in that case many of you tend to stop listening to others opinion and start thinking on your own and provide your own ideas and suggestions to them. It is always believed that, if you want to become an excellent listener, firstly, you need to be a good listener. It is not that, just because you have become a senior you are not suppose to take others opinion. If you want to become a good supervisor, you must always consider your juniors opinion as well. It shows your goodness as well as it makes you a better leader. Piyush says that there is a big difference between hearing and listening, hearing is sometimes just nodding your head without even absorbing a single word and listening always stands for paying full attention on what the other person say. So, from next time if someone comes to you to suggest or inform something make sure you listen to what they say rather than just nodding your head without paying attention.