Most Common Mistakes Indians do At Work

4. Constantly interrupting:

This is really a very bad habit and most of the Indians commit this mistake every time. This nature will always lead others to get irritated very easily and you will be tagged as an irritating person by everyone all the time. You must learn how to avoid committing such mistake in the future because constant interruption is considered to be a bad manner as it breaks the flow of thought of the speaker and sometimes make them to forget what they wanted to explain. So, if you are one such person who interrupts others talk, make sure from the next time you wait for the speaker to finish what he/she wanted to talk about. From next time if you have any doubts or want to inform something avoid interrupting the speaker, instead you can just lift your hand to get their attention towards you or just wait until the person who is addressing you finishes his talk.

5. Wrongly written emails:

Many of you fail to write your formal mails in an appropriate way. This mistake can sometimes be considered seriously especially when you have addressed to your seniors. Your seniors always expect you to be formal in all the ways starting from your body language till the way you write a mail. From now on you must see to it your mail looks clear and proper in all the ways and for that start reading out twice before you send the mail to anyone. Piyush suggests you to make your email end with an action point.