Do You Have the Qualities to Become a Boss?

Bangalore: Are you a first time boss? If yes, then you should definitely keep in mind that it takes new bosses more than a year to learn the basics and become comfortable in their new position. It also takes more than a decade for them to accomplish any kind of mastery and then also you will never master it all, according to Wally Brock, which he mentions in his blog named Wally Bock's Three Star Leadership Blog.

In his blog Wally Brock, who has been training supervisors for over two decades describes about his own experience and the knowledge that he has obtained from 25 years of working with first-time bosses. Wally says that he has studied what makes a great boss and how the change unfolds and sometimes unravels.

Explaining what he has learnt from first time supervisors, Wally highlights a "boss" is someone who is responsible of a team and the teams’ performance. According to him, the word "responsible" is significant. As, there are many leaders in all over the organizations today, however only bosses are responsible and accountable.

One should never consider that becoming a boss is a promotion. It should be taken as a career change where helping a team and the team members’ succeed is a different kind of work and it should be the first priority of bosses. It’s quite a different work but absolutely not a superior work.