High-Paying Jobs With The Most Unhappy Employees
Managing Partner
Actual average salary: 4.00 lakh to
26.95 lakh
Average bliss score: 4.27
Managing partner is responsible for managing the activities of a specific department or departments within an organization. His job is to manage other employees and ensure all business goals and objectives are reached.
However, managing partners feel dissatisfactions with their job, when they are not considered for big decisions in the firm’s activities.
Senior Manager
Actual average salary: 9.55 lakh to
23.98 lakh
Average bliss score: 3.41
A senior Manager is responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals as well as take corrective action when necessary. It also has the power to hire or fire employees as well as to promote them.
The main reason is that senior managers probably experienced the sensation of people not liking you in the work place. And due to this instance it creates real and perceived distance with the manager and his team.
The truth is that stress controls you and you don’t control stress, because of this manager’s feel they lack in their managerial skills and are not able to persuade or convince people of a vision.
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