High-Paying Jobs With The Most Unhappy Employees
Actual average salary: 1.19 lakh to
14.81 lakh
Average bliss score: 3.28
A Lawyer represents and advises his / her clients in both criminal and civil cases. He may be a general practitioner or may specialize in one of a variety of areas including criminal, real estate, matrimonial, probate and environmental law.
The primary reason for dissatisfaction among lawyers is depression. This is because a lot of aspirants go to law school with an intension to make lot of money, but then end up doing nothing. And you spend hours, days, weeks, working on a brief, and you put your all into it, but there will be some lawyer out there waiting to tear you down saying that your argument is not fair
There is wrong perception in people’s mind that all lawyers are rich, but it is completely wrong. This is because this career is filled with difficulties and a lot of lawyers are still struggling to earn a respectable living.
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