10 In-Demand Part-Time Jobs That Pay Well
Bangalore: If you are craving for some extra cash, a part-time job is the best answer. But where should you start?
Not all part-time jobs are created equal. In the words of Abigail R. Gehring, who is the author of ‘Odd Jobs,’ "the best part-time job for one person may be a lousy job for someone with a different set of skills and interests," reports Marcia Hudgel of Care.com.
Irrespective of whether you prefer to stay home, travel or set your own schedule, here are 10 of the best part-time jobs that are high paying and in-demand, as listed by by Neha Bhandarkar for Youth Ki Awazz and other sources.
Event Promoter
Presently, event promoters are one of the most sought after entities in the job market. Solid pay, exposure to a wide variety of events and happenings, and the opportunity to meet renowned personalities are some of the perks of this job.
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