Employers are Now Checking out Your Facebook Pics!!! Beware

Some employers say that they scrutinize the employees Facebook profiles in order to avoid making hires, which can later make them regret. However, critics find this kind of practice offensive. And yet there is no legal permissions given by courts on such checks. “It’s like saying, ‘Can I read your personal diary?’ I believe that chills free speech. If everyone thinks that to get a job, they got to have a perfectly clean social networking site, no one will say anything to anyone” says, Pam Dixon, Executive Director of the World Privacy Forum.

It is still vague that how many employers actually go through the employees Facebook profiles, as American Multinational Company Intel, does not go through the Facebook profiles of employees reveals a company representative. However, according to IBN Live many companies instead of going through the Face book profiles are directly asking the applicants for their user name and password as New York city statistician, named Justin Bassett was asked by an interviewer to hand over his login information’s which he refused to give and withdrew his application .