Learn How to Deal with an Useless Boss

Bangalore: When you hear the word ‘useless boss’, it actually doesn’t go together to make a perfect sense because no one will be eligible to acquire such a high position without being responsible. The management would choose an employee to the senior post by looking into the responsibilities he or she might have fulfilled successfully. But it is true in other cases where a person just acquire the top position just by influence of others. These types of useless bosses, who have occupied the seat by influence, usually have lack of knowledge, skills, judgment or strength. So, if you are having such kind of a boss, here are few steps which teach you on how to deal with them as reported by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, on MBA Highway Website.

1. They usually take bad decisions: It is the most common fact that an incompetent boss can never take useful judgments or decisions as they usually take up decisions without even thinking about the future result that particular decision may cause. If the result may come against you, you are put into trouble as sometimes it can be you who can get fired because of the wrong decision taken by your boss. So, be careful while discussing anything with your boss and make sure you suggest your own ideas in front of him before he takes any decisions, so that you can be in the safer side.