Employers are Now Checking out Your Facebook Pics!!! Beware

There are also other steps taken by organizations who directly don’t ask employees for their passwords, to scrutinize applicants. Instead of asking to hand over login details these companies ask candidates to add human resource managers as friends or log in to the organization’s computer in the course of the interview. After bagging the offer some employees are also asked to sign non-disparagement agreements that will prohibit them from talking negatively about an employer on Social Networking Sites.

Keeping these things in mind, it is always advisable for you to avoid risk that could keep you from bagging your dream job. Therefore, focus on the social network guidelines which say that one should always think and judge before posting an image or other information’s on the social networking site. Likewise, they should avail the social-media privacy settings to minimize the chances of a prospective employer seeing posts you would not like to reveal. One should never use fake identities to gain access to the social networking sites.

Further, before judging a candidate based on his or her profile. It is also advisable for employers to give a chance to the applicants to explain the information found about them on social media sites.