Top B-Schools Grads in India Lack Practical Knowledge: Report

Bangalore: MBA grads from top B-schools in the country are not up to the mark, said a report titled 'Practical Intelligence in Top B-Schools in India' by employability solutions firm Aspiring Minds, as reported by the Economic Times.

The study, which was based on the assessment of 230 students from the elite B-schools in the country, revealed that the MBA grads lagged behind in practical intelligence and handling of situations when compared to the experienced individuals with three to five years of experience in the corporate world.

Varun Aggarwal, CTO and COO of Aspiring Minds, revealed in a statement that the firms’ Situation Judgment Tests (SJTs) was used to calculate the student's practical and real life understanding of various concepts.

Responses on seven chief characteristics of business intelligence, which included the likes of decisiveness, commercial savvy behavior, judgment, risk taking ability, personal effectiveness, ability to build leaders, and marketing & communication, were carefully assessed for the study under three broad work areas, namely, team management, client management and operation management.

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