8 In-Demand Outdoor Jobs That Let You Ditch the Cubicle

Bangalore: Sometimes cubicle jobs can feel like a bad marriage. When you think that you found ‘the one’, you get euphoric and the thrill is almost overwhelming. You send your resume, seduce someone into talking to you and win over him/her with your charisma. You do the singing and dancing, sign the paperwork and raise glasses to what should be a gorgeous relationship. But after the honeymoon period, you literally start to smell the office coffee and think of ditching the desk.
But there is a setback! There is a general perception among people that outdoor jobs are either dangerous or entail meager pay. Though this is true to some extent, not all outdoor jobs fall into this category. Here are a few in in-demand outdoor jobs that are neither very dangerous nor are low on pay, as listed by Annie Favreau of Brazen Life.
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