6 Degrees That Can Sentence You for a Term in Library

Bangalore: Wake up folks! There is no such thing as an ‘easy’ college degree. And if anybody tells you that earning a particular degree is easy, he/she is either ignorant or untruthful. 

In spite of the promises by online courses, there simply is no shortcut to earn a college degree. Irrespective of whether you perceive a degree at a traditional campus or at an online school, getting a real college education requires a significant investment of both time and effort. However, not all college degrees demand the same amount of hard work and dedication, since the perk work associated with the subjects and the intensity of workload differs from one area of study to another.  

Do you wish for more insights regarding the most time-consuming college majors? Keep reading to learn more about the college majors that might sentence you for a term in library, as listed by Danielle Blundell of Yahoo Education based on the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) report.

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