One Thing Employees Fear That Gets Them Fired!

One Thing Employees Fear That Gets Them Fired!

Bangalore: Do employees live in a fearful shadow of getting fired? Why do they fear of getting fired? What do you think as the No: 1 reason to get fired? Well, some career researchers found what employees believe as the main reason for getting fired. The recent survey published by FileTrek says workplace sexual harassment rated top in the list of fearful act that can get you terminated. To offer an equal employment opportunity, every company today committed to creating a healthy working environment which helps employees to work without fear of discrimination, gender bias and sexual harassment. Sexual harassment at work is pointed as the grave offence which should be punished at any cause.

While 85 percent reports sexually harassing a coworker can lead to termination, 82 percent are afraid of incompetence on the job. 79 percent of the surveyed reportedly admitted leaking confidential documents from the workplace will be the major reason for getting fired, and most surprisingly 90 percent believe employees tend to take out confidential information outside. The survey was conducted among 2,625 Americans aged from 18 to above.

 “Business leaders need to be aware of the changing attitudes toward company intellectual property in the modern workplace,” said Dale Quayle, CEO of FileTrek. “Today’s workforce believes information is an asset to be shared, and while companies have benefited from this collaborative attitude with new technologies and increased productivity, there are risks too. Few cloud services provide the security necessary to track where their confidential data goes. It’s critical for today’s management teams to be more IP aware to ensure data security.