Worst Strategies to Land a Job

Bangalore: Carrying out a job search in an unstructured manner with the sole intention of reaching out to the potential employer is an ideal recipe for disaster and a good strategy to stay unemployed.

In the present tough job market, it has become essential for an aspirant to diversify his/her job search strategies and those who fail to do so, in all probability tend to struggle.

Here is a brief overview of the list of worst ways to land a job, as reported by Ryan Chatterton of Brazencareerist.

1. Applying To Publicly Posted Jobs:

The biggest drawback of this strategy is the amount of competition. You are unnecessarily placing yourself against the odds and in the process reducing the chances of landing a job.

Rather than competing with the masses, it is better to concentrate on sharpening your inherent skills and building a greater network that increases the chances of landing a dream job by manifolds.