6 Ways How Your Online Reputation Kills Your Chance for a Dream Job

Bangalore: The emergence of gigantic collection of online data that is easily accessible in the cyberspace has had a major impact on job aspirants. Presently, it has become utmost essential for job seekers to manage and be wary of their online reputation, and thus avoid finding themselves at a disadvantageous position while trying to land a dream job.    

Here is an overview of the six common impediments that might hinder an individual’s online reputation, as listed by Chris Martin on ComeRecommended.

1. Unflattering Search Engine Links:

Recent studies have indicated that most human resource professionals and employment recruiters turn to search engines to get a better understanding of a job applicant as a person. Hence any entries that may portray you in a negative light might have a bad impact on your reputation and hence hinder your chances of landing a job.

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