Worst Destinations to Work Abroad

4. Pakistan:

This country is considered as one of the risky place to work in because of the problems related to terrorism, foreign relation, sovereignty, tribal and other problems. These problems can be the main reason for people not to choose this country for their professional life. At present, the country is struggling to maintain a good relation with its neighboring country India and other nations. So, try to think twice before selecting a job in this nation.

5. Thailand:

It’s really hard to consider this country as the dangerous place because it has been a hot spot for many travelers across the globe. But if you are planning to take up a job and settle down in this country, it is advisable to re-think on it because after the Tsunami hit some of the nations very badly including Thailand, people are thinking twice before settling down in this country. Though, it has passed 7 to 8 years, people still feel shy to opt a career and settle down in that nation because they are scared that the worst event can suddenly happen again anytime. Though this is one of the best destinations to work abroad, the nightmare that some of the foreign people experienced over here have still not faded.

So, these are some of the worst countries where you must think twice before taking up a job over here.