Worst Destinations to Work Abroad

2. Afghanistan:

This is another worst destination to work. But if you are adventurous you can dare to opt for a job in this nation and survive. But, the best advice is not to select this destination as a good one to enjoy your work. Even though it has been said that the Taliban terrorist rule has decreased in the nation, some or the other problem rises in that country every day. So, it is good for you to avoid as much as possible particularly if you have a family accompanying you.

3. Riyadh:

You may be surprised to see this rich capital city of Saudi Arabia under the list of worst destinations to work. But it is true that in spite of being a rich city because of its business and commercial deals it is not a safer place to work. You may think that you have numerous international work opportunities, but in spite of all that it is considered as the worst place to work because of the political violence and domination. It has one more reason to be the bad place to work and that it because of the various diseases and lack of sanitation facility.