Top Workplace Trends of the Year

The flexible workplace:

The flexibility in workplace brings more opportunities like work from home and co-working spaces. Where women prefer for work from home option, men opt for shared workplaces or co-working when it comes to flexible office space. Even if you are a freelancer or the one who doesn’t like to be controlled in the traditional workplace, it is better to go for a co-working space. You can lease an office with all services, technology and support staff for a few hours or days as you want. It will help you to get more job opportunities and employees referrals while increasing your professional network.

Instant communication:

Instant communication or instant messaging is one of the highly demanding means of communication in the office space. Being IM is a valuable tool, it brings a viral effect. Where phone conversations and face-to-face discussions are known as the top workplace interruptions, instant messaging replace other forms of communication. Also it is called as less personal as it is being without face-to-face or voice component. While it interconnects with everyone in your organization, even the smallest competitor will be benefited for being connected to everyone and boosts the competition.