Top Nations Where Everyone Are Employed

6. Taiwan:

Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, comes towards the Eastern part of Asia. It has been called as the “Taiwan Miracle” after there was a quick industrialization and rapid growth of Taiwan during the latter half of the 20th century. Taiwan represents as one among the “Fair Asian Tigers” that includes Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore along with Taiwan. The country’s job market rose with most businesses set to recruit in high numbers. This helped Taiwan to be one among the countries where there was lesser unemployment problem i.e. below 5 percent. So, as the unemployment rate is below 5 percent, this nation can come under the list of nations where almost everyone is employed. 50 percent of the employees over here work for their employers in a full time basis.

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5. Montenegro:

Montenegro comes under the southeastern part of Europe. The World Bank has classified this nation as a middle income country. The country’s economy is basically a service based economy. Tourism is considered to be the key contributor to the country’s economy and this sector is also considered to be the backbone of future economic growth. The country’s unemployment rate was reported in the Gallup survey as below 5 percent and around 50 percent + employees serve their employers for a full time basis.

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