Top Nations Where Everyone Are Employed

8. Ukraine:

Ukraine became one among the countries where almost everyone is employed, after its unemployment rate was below 5 percent. Approximately 50 percent + employees worked for their employers for a full time basis in this country. Though the unemployment rate in this country is brought down in this country, the country has been troubled by the word poverty, as majority of the country’s citizens are suffering from poverty. According to the CIA report, Ukraine has the large number of employees who are unregistered workers as well as underemployed.

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7. Thailand:

Thailand is a newly industrialized country which is one among the emerging economies today. The country’s around 50 percent of the GDP comes only from its exporting business. This shows that the country’s economy is highly depended upon the exporting business. Thailand is considered to be the 2nd largest economy in the Southeast Asia after Indonesia and is considered as the fourth richest nation in Southeast Asia after Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. The country’s unemployment rate is below 5 percent, from which it can be considered as a fully employed country. In this country also, around 20 to 29 percent of the employees work for their employers in a full time basis just like the employees in Vietnam.

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